YSDK Chandigarh was blessed to host the Janmotsav function in 2016. Chandigarh devotees were waiting eagerly and joyously for this blessed opportunity to serve the beloved Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda on his 123rd birth anniversary. The managing commitee had sprung into action months before the function for the planning this event. Each and every detail was looked into - pandal, accommodation, audio-video, food, heating arrangement (as Chandigarh is very cold during the early months of the year) etc. Experience from the previous Janmotsavs helped a lot in managing things smoothly (Chandigarh Dhyana Kendra had hosted the Janmotsav celebrations of Paramahansaji earlier in 2004 and 2008).
Swamis Smaranananda Giri, Nirvanananda Giri along with Brahmacharis Chaitanyananda and Nischalanada graced the occasion. New Year was welcomed by a special midnight meditation conducted by sannyasis on December 31, 2015 and the joy was shared with others by organizing a bhandara on January 1, 2016 afternoon. About 1400 people from all walks of life were fed by the sannyasis and the devotees. A special long meditation was held in the evening from 5 pm to 8 pm.
Around 500 devotees from 15 Indian states attended the function. The programme began on January 2 and concluded on January 5, Gurudeva's Avirbhav divas. YSS sannyasis conducted the meditations, chanting sessions and reviewed the YSS techniques of meditation, concentration and energization. The highlight of each day was the public talk by Swami Smaranananda Giri every evening. These were open to the general public. A brief translation of the talk was arranged in Hindi at the end. The topics of his Talks were Expressing and Experiencing Divine Love in Daily Life, Devotion and Coping with Life’s Troubles. All these talks were extremely inspiring and uplifting. They were well attended and appreciated both by the devotees and the general public. Swami Smarananandaji was interviewed by the press, and the event received due publicity.
The Altar and the Kendra were beautifully decorated, thereby adding to the divine atmosphere prevailing everywhere. The blue colour of the pandal provided a lovely background for the function. The pandal was fortified to ward off the winter chill by having a layer of plastic covering on top, and on the sides. A huge video screen was put up in the pandal displaying live coverage of the proceedings within the pandal. The food was simple, wholesome, delicious and appreciated by all devotees. Devotees were not charged for the same, it was provided free of cost to all.
On January 4, the sacred Kriya Yoga diksha was given to the 65 new initiates. The movie Awake: The Life of Yogananda was shown to all the devotees in the evening. All of them were very glad to watch it, as they they had been eagerly waiting for it's screening from a long time. On January 5, Gurudeva’s birthday was celebrated with special meditation and commemoration services.
The whole function was blessed by Gurudeva's loving presence which was felt by everyone. Local devotees had put their hearts and soul to make the Janmotsav a memorable function; whereas the outstation devotees did not leave any stone unturned either – they volunteered and helped the organising team wherever needed. Their help was invaluable. Indeed this Janmotsav became a memorable function for one and all because of the grace and blessing of God and Gurus, and due to the untiring effort of the volunteers.